Project:HTML-CSS - Learn 2 Code - Code Chaturbate Bios
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Page TitleCode Chaturbate Bios
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Code snippets
Editing Tips
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About sectionDesigning Chaturbate Bios
If you want to dive into creative process of coding and developing custom designs/bios you'll need some tools to help you.
We recommend
helps with HTML/CSS markup editing. Online basic source Editor
will help with HTML/CSS markup editing program. It is a commercial/trial downloadable program, popular among Windows users
helps with HTML/CSS markup editing. It is a free downloadable program, popular among Windows users
helps with HTML/CSS markup editing. Some of this editors are free, some are commercial/trial. Editors for MAC users
MarkupAccepted HTML tags
If you are (or not) familiar with CB platform you already know or find out right now, that Chaturbate has implemented some HTML tag restrictions.
HTML tags accepted by Chaturbate:
Defines a hyperlink
Defines a paragraph HTML element
HTML tag used to render the text italic
HTML tag used to render the text in bold style — similar to
HTML tag
HTML tag is used to underline a defined text element
HTML tags used to render list styles and list types
HTML tags, defines heading text elements
HTML tag used to define and render image element
HTML tag used to define and render style for text elements
HTML element – basically it starts a new line braking a paragraph, a text element or can add a space between other elements like graphics (images)
HTML element – is used to group inline-elements in a document
Codes sectionCode Snippets
This are basic HTML tags supported and accepted by Chaturbate
To each of the elements CSS inline style can be added.
The above markup is using a paragraph HTML tag with in-line CSS defined by
The element is defined by its style attributes and will be rendered like an individual element wrapping content.
of the element is 90 percent and not a fixed value (700px or 870px)
When coding the markup for a template it is good to use the background attributes as it should and not the minified version (suggestion for Editor's compatibility). Above example is using background-color with HEX color value.
Editor's compatibility markup
Optional. Other style attributes and values can be used/added to visually enhance the element or its content.
Tips sectionEditing Tips
Our suggestions for fast editing and viable markup rendering
For text-based elements don't use fancy fonts. Chaturbate does not allow the embade of custom fonts so even if you have a nice font installed on your device (laptop or pc) other users might not have the same font installed on their laptop or pc and the fallback will render system fonts.
Use of
If you look at the source markup of some custom bio designs on Chaturbate you might notice the use of this
added without usefulness or logic to random HTML tags like
for example.
Please note, do not copy this particular editing method because
is related with hyperlinks (links) and not all those randoms you might see. Avoid this as much as possible its a dumb edit.
Use of floating side icons. We strongly recommend medium size icons 35x35px which don't overlap any of Chaturbate's core functionality.
For better position of the layout design use margin style markup
Use of fluid width size. As much as possible we recommend the use of percent values instead of fixed widths expressed in pixel values
FooterCGC Tools and Services
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Because it is one service you can rely on. Because it's unique and flexible.
Because over +17k registered members, studio owners, web cam performers, affiliates and web designers can't be wrong.
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