
Add Title Here

This is a Button

Optional information can be added here or simply remove the text

Add Title Here

This is a Button

Optional information can be added here or simply remove the text

Add Title Here

This is a Button

Optional information can be added here or simply remove the text

Add Title Here

This is a Button

Optional information can be added here or simply remove the text

Add Title Here

This is a Button

Optional information can be added here or simply remove the text

Add Title Here

This is a Button

Optional information can be added here or simply remove the text


This pen was created/adapted for MFC custom section

Below you can see both markup codes

In order to add this a custom section to your MFC profile page you'll need to use both codes

Editing/ customization

The section is using 6 video placeholders with image thumbnail (preview), title and tip button

Optional, the profile owner can replace the # hashtag sign between double quotes with external link like MFC Share

The CSS markup

The HTML markup

Responsive CSS markup for mobile device is missing from this pen. Feel free to develop your own ideas or improve this project

Currently used as widget component for a customized MFC profile design

the idea for this hover effect comes from this pen :

connect the dots